Wednesday, November 7, 2012

PanoPerfect is a new app that brings a social touch to your panoramas

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If you love snapping, I guess I should say “panning,”  panoramic pictures with your new iOS 6 -enabled device, there is now a dedicated social environment solely for sharing your favorite wide shot pics.PanoPerfect, launching today, is a free and simple way to post and share your photos via iPhone, without them getting lost in another long list of other comments. Overall, the app is simple and easy to use, possibly making it one of the more popular ways users will choose to curate their favorite panos…

Design and Function

PanoPerfect exists somewhere between Instagram and Twitter, but obviously only for wide angle shots. Overall, the social app is designed specifically to share photos and the main feed will list pictures from the people you are following, much like Instagram. In addition, other users can like, comment, and follow you. However, there are no image altering lenses or color modifications built into the app, keeping the purist #nofilter groups happy. The profile structure and bio pages are inspired by Twitter, complete with a header image, of which I have grown quite fond. Contrasting Twitter, the pictures users share is not lost in a timeline of comments.
Having used PanoPerfect over the past few weeks for testing purposes, I can verify the overall experience is very quick to learn and sharing your pictures is intuitive if you have used other similar applications. I like the app’s focus on panoramas, as I find myself taking almost as many wide shots as regular shots these days. For a quick overview, check out the video below.


Overall, this is a quick post because the app is simple and straight forward. The free PanoPerfect app utilizes a crisp interface that operates without flaws and intuitively provides a tabbed navigation system to get the user around easily. If you have been searching for a great way to connect with a community of people that love sharing panoramic images, PanoPerfect is the place to hang your hat and stay a while. Although the user community is small at present, as more people hear about the app, it will naturally grow very quickly! You can find me in the PanoPerfect community as @jim_gresham to share, comment, and post.
  • Easily operable user interface
  • Fun cross between Instagram and Twitter
  • Share uploaded images via other social media outlets
  • Feeds and profiles only work in portrait mode, which is unfortunate, as the reason for the app is to share landscape image
Who is interested in a panoramic only social app? I’m game. Meet me in the comments to share your thoughts, opinions, and PanoPerfect user names.

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